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Explore the archive using the alphabetical menu above or the list below. It is possible to browse the Archive by a particular project theme. It is also possible to search for particular projects by name, location, project type, or project status. On each project page, click on "Project Materials held at McGill" to see project materials (drawings, sketches, photos, and renderings, in addition to extensive project files and other materials) held in the archive.


Most projects also have a selection of curated images that offer a significant sample of the variation, the beauty, the innovation, and the iconic character of Moshe Safdie's work.

The Canadian Architecture Collection holds many more digital images of Safdie's work, which are available to examine on site in the Archive at McGill. Please contact us with any questions or to make an appointment to consult materials in person.

For more information about image reproduction, please contact the Communications Director at Safdie Architects at

Alphabetical List of Projects (Links to project record page)

Akirov Office Building

Alaska State Capitol

Ardmore Habitat Condominiums

Asian University for Women

AT&T Center for the Performing Arts

Atlantis Resort Hainan China

Atrium On The Plaza

Ballet Opera House

Bar Ilan University Dormitory

Bar Ilan University Master Plan

Battery Park City

Beit Clal Conference Center

Beit Shamesh Master Plan

Beit Tsahal

Ben Gurion International Airport - Airside Terminal

Beverly Hills Civic Center

Bishan Residential Development (Sky Habitat)

Block 38 Housing

Blood Transfusion Centers

Boca Raton Museum of Art

Boston Museum Project

Brandeis University Safra Arts Center

Bronfman Amphitheater

Buchman Hotel

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives Headquarters

Caesarea Heights

Caesarea Heights Resort Village

Caesarea Heights World Monument

Cairnhill Road Condominiums

Callahan Residence

Cambridge Center Mixed Use Master Plan

Canadian Museum for Human Rights Competition

Canadian Pavilion

Centennial Housing

Chongqing Chaotianmen Center

Chongqing Villas

Cité des Iles

City for Palestinian Refugees

Class of 1959 Chapel, Harvard Business School

Coldspring New Town

Colegio Hebreo "Manguen David" School Complex

Colombo Residential Development

Columbus Center

Comverse Systems Campus

Coney Island

Connecticut Center for Science and Exploration

Corrour Estate

Cowansville Residence

Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art

Damascus Gate Scheme 1 and 2

Dead Sea Master Plan

Domino Sugar Complex

Dream Island Integrated Resort

Dung Gate Restoration

Eberts Residence

Eilat Resort Complex

El Gran Canal

Eleanor Roosevelt College, University of California, San Diego

Elwyn Rehabilitation Center

Esplanade Condominiums

Exploration Place Science Center and Children's Museum

Ford Center for the Performing Arts

Fort Lincoln Urban Renewal Project #1

Frobisher Bay Housing for the Inuit Community

Gateway Office Complex

Gateway to Israel

Golan Residence

Guangdong Science Center

Guangzhou No. 2 Children's Place

Habitat '67

Habitat Israel

Habitat New York I

Habitat New York II

Habitat Puerto Rico

Habitat Rochester

Habitat St. Croix

Habitat Tehran

HABSystem Housing Study

Haliç Master Plan

Harvard Business School Master Plan

Headquarters for the Ministry of Transportation

Hebrew College, Newton Campus

Hebrew Union College

Hosh District

Immobilia Condominiums

Indian Carry Resort

Institute for Desert Research

International Student House, UCLA

Israel Trade Fair Center

Jewish Quarter - Rova Parking

Johannisviertel in Berlin Mitte

Judith's Residence

Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts

Keppel Island Residential

Keur Farah Pahlavi

Khalsa Heritage Centre

Kibbutz Idmit Housing

Kibbutz Shoval Housing

Kilby Street Office Building

King Spadina Hotel Condominiums

Koch Residence

Kohlberg Residence

Lester B. Pearson International Airport - Terminal 1

Lily Simon Chaussures

Lions Gate Bridge

Low Density Housing System

Luwan Mixed-Use Development

Mamilla Center

Mamilla Center: Commercial Center and Jaffa Gate Parking

Mamilla Center: David's Citadel Hotel

Mamilla Center: David's Village

Mamilla Center: Master Plan

Manchat Housing Master Plan

Marina Bay Sands Integrated Resort


Mexico Library

Misgav Ladach Institute for Sephardic Studies

Molson Centre

Monash University Sir Zelman Cowen School of Music

Montreal Museum of Fine Arts

Morgan Hall, Harvard Business School

Museum of Contemporary Art

Museum of Industrial Design, Architecture, and Contemporary Art

National Art Museum of China

National Campus for the Archeology of Israel

National Gallery of Canada

National Gallery of Ireland

National Health Museum

National Library Board

National Library of Israel

National Museum of African American History and Culture

National Museum of Man

National Museum of Scotland

Neve Ofer Community Center

New City of Modi’in

Nicoforia Hotel

North Station District Master Plan

Northrup Hall, Trinity University

Old Port of Montreal Master Plan

Operation Breakthrough

Orchard Boulevard

Orlando Center for the Arts

Ottawa City Hall

Paley Center

Palm Jumeirah Gateway Mosque

Park Heights Urban Renewal Project

Park on the Bayou

Peabody Essex Museum

Philadelphia Holocaust Education Center

Pompidou Centre

Post Office Square

Powerhouse Hotel

Project Jewel at Changi Airport

Qinhuangdao Golden Dream Bay

Quebec Museum of Civilization

Queen's University Library

Quincy Square Office Center

Ramle Neighbourhood

Renaissance Square Master Plan

Renovation of 268 Summer Street

Residence Diaraf Diouf

Riverside Park Casino

Robina New Town and Hotel-Casino Complex

Rosovsky Hall, Harvard-Radcliffe Hillel

Rowes Wharf

Safdie's Residence

Salt Lake City Main Public Library

San Francisco State College Student Union

Shenzhen Cultural Center

Simpang New Town

Sinai Temple

Singapore Marina Hotel

Skirball Cultural Center

Snowmass Housing

St. George's School Extension

Stamford Urban Design Landmark Square

Stein Residence

Superconducting Super Collider

Supreme Court of Israel

Supreme Rabbinical High Court

Tampines Condominium Development

Tata Housing

Telfair Museum of Art, Jepson Center for the Arts

Thesis 1960 and Assorted University Projects

Tnuva Mixed-Use Development

Tomb of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin

Toronto Parkside Housing Development

Tropaco Resort

Uniment System

United Nations African Headquarters, Addis Ababa

United States Courthouse, Mobile

United States Federal Courthouse, Springfield

United States Institute of Peace Headquarters

University of Baltimore School of Law

Van Leer Residence

Vancouver Library Square

Washington Demonstration Housing

West Edge

West Jerusalem Master Plan

West Kowloon Reclamation Project

Western Wall Precinct

Wharf Parks Competition

Windsor Casino

Wittington Place

Xiqu Center, West Kowloon Cultural District

Yad Vashem Children's Holocaust Memorial

Yad Vashem Holocaust History Museum

Yad Vashem Memorial to the Deportees

Yeshiva Porat Yosef

Yitzhak Rabin Center for Israeli Studies