We are proud to make available in this guide the contents of the archives of the late Professor Emeritus Norbert Schoenauer as well as to provide access to his many contributions to architecture and scholarship.
Julie Korman, Assistant Curator in the John Bland Canadian Architecture Collection organized and prepared descriptions of all archival material on deposit in CAC. Abdel Munem Amin, a graduate student in the School of Architecture digitized drawings and documents of selected projects for the use in the guide and in the upcoming website. He also designed the cover for the guide. We are very grateful to Andrew Ensslen, a graduate of the McGill School of Architecture, for the design, layout and coordination of the publication and its virtual counterpart in 2003.
Finally, we wish to express our thanks to Astrid Schoenauer for helping to make the collection publicly accessible in the McGill University Libraries, and to David Covo, Director of the McGill School of Architecture, for his insightful introduction to the life and work of Norbert Schoenauer.
We take this opportunity to express our profound gratitude to the Canadian Council of Archives and to the Young Canada Works program for the financial support of the Schoenauer archival project as well to the R H W Foundation for its support of the publication of this guide.
It is our hope that the exceptional contribution of Norbert Schoenauer to the history of housing, to scholarship and to this University will remain alive through the use of his archive and his library. Appropriately, this guide is being published as part of the McGill Libraries' contribution to the John Bland Memorial Symposium in October 2003.
Irena Žantovská Murray
Chief Curator
Rare Books and Special Collections
John Bland Canadian Architecture Collection
McGill University Libraries