Project Title
North Station District Master Plan
A 15-year development plan for the 75-acre site called for the removal of the elevated transit line and a new North Station terminal with improvements of the surrounding Boston Garden area. Plans also included a 1100-unit residential island and water promenade. The master plan was to be implemented in three phases over fifteen years and generally called for traffic improvements such as the widening of streets for through traffic and the rehabilitation of the commuter rail station.
Images on this page: 1 Aerial view of model; 2 Aerial view of model; 3 Site plan; 4 Site sketch; 5 Site sketch
Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America
Images on this page: 1 Aerial view of model; 2 Aerial view of model; 3 Site plan; 4 Site sketch; 5 Site sketch
Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America
between 1979 and 1981
Completion Date
Client: Boston Redevelopment Authority
Project Type
Image Types
Safdie Architects
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