Paley Center
Project Title
Paley Center
Alternate Titles
Youth Wing Rockefeller Museum
The Youth Wing is an arts centre which provides after-school and evening classes for the residents of Jerusalem and constitutes an extension to the existing Rockefeller Museum in Jerusalem, built in the 1930s. The project was sponsored by William Paley, former chair of CBS, and was constructed by the Jerusalem Foundation. One of the objectives stipulated by William Paley in his gift was to provide an environment where both Jewish and Arab children could study together.

The Youth Wing extension constitutes approximately 1,380 m2 (14,854 ft2) of facilities and includes classrooms, an auditorium, a display gallery, and storage areas. The overall design intention was to temper the impact of the Youth Wing on the primary building, and to avoid having its overall form compete with that of the Museum. When viewed from the surrounding hills, the completed extension resembles a series of terraces, camouflaged against the hillside.

Images on this page: 1 Site view; 2 Wall detail; 3 Interior view; 4 Interior view

Jerusalem, Israel

between 1971 and 1974
Completion Date
Safdie Architects
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