Manchat Housing Master Plan
Project Title
Manchat Housing Master Plan
The first contract for this project involved the development of a building system for a new community in an existing village on the southern outskirts of Jerusalem. 1,400 middle income units were developed to be adaptable to the varying types of terrain that surrounded the area. After a dormant period, the Ministry re-engaged Moshe Safdie and Associates to develop a master plan for the same site as a middle to upper income housing community with its own school and commercial areas. A new main railroad terminus and regional center adjacent to the site was also proposed. Ultimately, the community will consist of approximately 1,000 housing units.

Images on this page: 1 Aerial site view; 2 Aerial site view; 3 Aerial site view; 4 Physical model; 5 Physical model

Jerusalem, Israel

between 1969 and 1995
Completion Date
Client: Ministry of Housing, Government of Israel

Project Type
Safdie Architects
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