Kibbutz Idmit Housing
Project Title
Kibbutz Idmit Housing
This project involved the development of prototypical housing for a kibbutz in northern Israel. Since the topography of the region is mountainous, the design of the housing units was strongly determined by the site. Dwellings are stacked, with lower units with patios at grade, and upper units with roof gardens above. Dwellings also cluster to form common courtyards and each dwelling unit consists of a living space, bedroom, kitchen and bathroom, totaling 49 square meters. Private patios, which are unprecedented in kibbutz housing, are also provided. Built in two phases, the project design development for the kibbutz spanned well over a decade.

Images on this page: 1 Exterior view; 2 Exterior detail view; 3 2nd level plan; 4 Site section; 5 Floor plan, site plan


between 1980 and 1982
Completion Date
Client: Kibbutz Idmit

Project Type
Safdie Architects
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