Colegio Hebreo "Manguen David" School Complex
Project Title
Colegio Hebreo "Manguen David" School Complex
The Colegio Hebreo School Complex is a coeducational school providing facilities for 2,100 students, from kindergarten through preparatory levels. The program called for classrooms for each level of schooling, offices, administrative and service areas, a cafeteria, a library, and an indoor facility. It was requested that each classroom have an outdoor area which allowed for both indoor and outdoor teaching. A network of covered arcades led from the main courtyard to secondary courtyards for each of the three academic levels. Classrooms were terraced to form roof gardens for the rooms below, also affording many rooms with views of the surrounding landscape.

Images on this page: 1 Photo of green space

Mexico City, Mexico

between 1982 and 1989
Completion Date
Client: Colegio Hebreo "Maguen David"

Project Type
Safdie Architects
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