1. William Sutherland Maxwell Library
Alberti, Leon Battista.
Vol. 1 The Architecture of Leon Battista Alberti in Ten Books. Of Painting in Three Books and Of Statuary in One Book: Translated into Italian by Cosimo Bartoli, and Now First into English and Divided into Three Volumes by James Leoni.... 3 Vols. London: Thomas Edlin, 1726.
2. Ibid, Frontispiece plate |
3. Edward Maxwell Library
Chambers, William.
A Treatise on the Decorative Part of Civil Architecture Illustrated by 53 Plates, Engraved by Rooker, Fourdrinier, Grignion, Etc: The 4th Ed., to Which are Added Copious Notes, and an Essay on the Principles of Design in Architecture, by John. B. Papworth. 4th ed. London: Printed for J. Taylor, Architectural Library, 1826. |
4. William Sutherland Maxwell Library
Soan[e], John.
Designs in Architecture: Consisting of Plans, Elevations, and Sections for Temples, Baths, Cassines, Pavilions, Garden-Seats, Obelisks, and Other Buildings: For Decorating Pleasure-Ground, Parks, Forests, &c. &c.. London: I. Taylor, 1778.
5. Ibid, Plate 31 |