I M A G E S:
H.H. McLean House, Alterations and Additions([1897])
Saint-John, NB, Canada
Residential, Urban house; composite

Client: Hugh Hanelock McLean
Architect: E. Maxwell

Description: A barrister, Hugh Havelock McLean was interested in railways. He was president of the New Brunswick Southern Railway Co. and the Fredericton Railway Co. Mr. McLean was also president of the Carleton Electric Light Co. and the Grand Falls Water Power and Boom Co. He was director and treasurer of the St-Andrew’s Land Co., the Algonquin Hotel Co, and the Inglewood Pulp and Paper Co. McLean was first to be elected to the House of Commons in 1908. McLean’s house was a semi-detached, two storey building featuring a conical tower and shingled spire. Although this was not an original Maxwell design, it embodied many recognizable traits, such as the dynamic asymmetry of the floor plan and exuberant façade. The principle alteration, however, was towards the creation of a new kitchen wing. This included the addition of a number of rooms such as pantry, store room, a servant’s room and two coal rooms at the rear of the house. A number of plans were drawn for the front door, each with its own ornate styling and glasswork. Two schemes were also drawn for the front elevation depicting divergent features, one bearing a shingled surface and the other, red brick.

Holdings: Urban house; composite
7 Drawings: 5 ink on linen; 2 watercolour on linen
6 Development drawings: floor plans, elevations
1 Detail drawing: elevations

I M A G E S:  Drawings  
B A C K  T O   R E S U L T S    N E W   S E A R C H