I M A G E S:
Dr. Charles McEachran House [Inverneck]([1895-97])
L’Abord-à-Plouffe [Saraguay], QC, Canada
Residential, Country house [detached, basement, 2 floors, attic, 4 bedrooms, 3 servants' rooms]; stone; wood; composite

Client: Dr. Charles McEachran
Architect: E. Maxwell

Description: The Hon. Lieut.-Col. Charles McEachran was born on May 28, 1864 in Argyllshire, Scotland. He came to Canada in 1883 as Veterinary Inspector for the federal government. He was a professor of Contagious Diseases for the Veterinary Faculty of McGill University. McEachran married Margaret McFie Allan, daughter of Sir Hugh Allan in 1891. He was a active member of many clubs, which included Saint-James, Mount Royal, Montreal Hunt, and Forest and Stream. Most of the Maxwells’ Shingle style country houses were located in St-Andrews New Brunswick on the Atlantic coast and in Mount Saint-Bruno Quebec. However, similar houses were built in other places mostly in the Montreal area. Of interest is the summerhouse built at L’Abord-à-Plouffe around 1895 for Mr. Charles McEachran. An initial design shows a long wooden façade with a projection covered by a rusticated stone and surmounted by a half-timbered gable roof. Four hipped dormers with tall pediments flank the centrepiece. A verandah was built on the side of the house and was continued around the entire riverside length. It was interrupted by the stone turret with a tall hexagonal roof. The design accepted by McEachran retained the Tudor-Gothic centrepiece but the length of the front was reduced and the hipped dormers were removed. The tower bay became a stair tower. The plan was less open than those seen earlier and is urban in concept. The circulation is difficult and the windows, small in size compared with other houses by the Maxwells, seemed to ignore the landscape. Over the years, many alterations and improvements were made to Dr. McEachran’s country house Inverneck, which became one of the most representative summer residences in the Saraguay area. It has since been demolished.

Holdings: Country house (detached, basement, 2 floors, attic, 4 bedrooms, 3 servants' rooms); stone; wood; composite
19 Drawings: 17 ink on linen; 2 ink on paper
2 Presentation drawings: floor plans
8 Development drawings: floor plans, attic floor plan, elevations, section
9 Working drawings: floor plans, attic floor plan, elevations, section

I M A G E S:  Drawings  
B A C K  T O   R E S U L T S    N E W   S E A R C H