Islamic University of Madinah - Project Breakdown

12.1 Existing Buildings (Pre-Erickson)

12.2 General Project

12.21 Conceptual and Presentation Drawings

12.22 Topographic Plans

12.23 Key Plans

12.24 Master Plan and Others

12.25 Publication Proofs

12.26 Presentation Boards

12.3 Academic

12.31 Proposed Buildings (Early Version)

12.32 Support Core Facilities

12.33 Post-Graduate Facilities

12.4 Residential

12.41 Pre-University Student Dorms and Guest Houses

12.42 Northwest Dormitory Complex

12.43 Married Community (Housing, Schools, Commercial Centre)

12.44 Non-Specific Preliminary Drawings

12.5 Athletics

12.6 Operations and Maintenance

12.61 Maintenance

12.62 Greenhouse and Lathhouse

12.63 Printing House

12.64 Automotive

12.65 Water System

12.66 Sewage System

12.7 Security and Circulation

12.71 Service and Vehicular Routes

12.72 Fire Station

12.8 Unidentified Drawings

12.9 Optinegatives

12.10 Photographs


12.1 Existing Buildings (Pre-Erickson)

14 Drawings: 2 site plans; 12 combination drawings: 6 plan / section, 6 site plan / plan / section.

Drawing Support: 5 ink on mylar, 3 ink and dry transfer on mylar, 1 cronaflex, 5 blacklines.

12.2 General Project

12.21 Conceptual and Presentation Drawings

62 Drawings: 7 site plans, 17 plans, 1 section, 1 elevation, 22 exterior perspectives, 8 diagrams, 3 details: floor system, classroom stairs, window jamb; 3 combination drawings: 1 plan / elevation, 2 plan / diagram.

Drawing Support: 13 pencil on vellum, 1 ink on vellum, 1 ink and dry transfer on vellum, 6 pencil on mylar, 23 ink on mylar, 4 ink and dry transfer on mylar, 6 cronaflex, 8 watercolour on board.

12.22 Topographic Plans

33 Drawings: 33 topographic plans.

Drawing Support: 1 ink on tracing paper, 14 ink on vellum, 17 ink on mylar, 1 sepia.

12.23 Key Plans

16 Drawings: 16 key plans.

Drawing Support: 16 ink on vellum.

12.24 Master Plan and Others

37 Drawings: 35 site plans, 2 plans.

Drawing Support: 1 pencil on vellum, 1 pencil and film on vellum, 15 ink on mylar, 9 ink and dry transfer on mylar, 11 blacklines.

1 Photograph: 1 print of model.

1 Model: 1 detail model of entrance gate.


12.25 Publication Proofs

22 Drawings: 7 site plans, 8 topographic plans, 5 plans, 2 exterior perspectives.

Drawing Support: 19 ink on mylar, 3 cronaflex.

1 Photograph: 1 negative of model.

Comment: The 2 exterior perspectives are proofs from Architecture of Arthur Erickson, Douglas & McIntyre, 1988.

12.26 Presentation Boards

33 Drawings: 13 plans, 3 exterior perspectives, 17 details: ventilation, thermal comfort, HVAC, wall systems, rock evaluation, concrete data, precooling effects, ventilation techniques, wind patterns, environmental classification, climatic data, structural alternatives, space hierarchy, expansion, circulation, shading, rock and concrete information.

Comment: The 33 presentation boards include one that has four mounted B/W photographs.

12.3 Academic

12.31 Proposed Buildings (Early Version)

21 Drawings: 13 plans, 3 details: vertical circulation and faculty organization; 5 combination drawings: 5 site / plan.

Drawing Support: 10 ink on mylar, 6 cronaflex, 5 multi-media.

12.32 Support Core Facilities

24 Drawings: 1 topographic plan, 14 plans, 1 exterior perspective, 2 details: administration library, stairs, library and dining reflected ceiling; 6 combination drawings: 5 plan / section / perspective, 1 plan / perspective / diagram.

Drawing Support: 3 pencil on vellum, 3 ink on vellum, 5 ink and pencil on vellum, 2 pencil on mylar, 3 ink on mylar, 1 cronaflex, 7 multi-media.

12.33 Post-Graduate Facilities

67 Drawings: 2 site plans, 33 plans, 12 sections, 6 elevations, 9 details: administration area, windows and interior, partitions, window frame, exterior pavement, ceiling; 5 combination drawings: 5 section / elevation.

Drawing Support: 2 pencil on tracing paper, 41 pencil on vellum, 2 pencil on mylar, 9 ink and dry transfer on mylar, 1 cronaflex, 12 sepias.

Comment: The Support Core includes a main mosque, a central library, a lecture and conference hall, general administration, and independent and scientific centres.

12.4 Residential

12.41 Pre-University Student Dorms and Guest Houses

1 Drawings: 1 plan / section.

Drawing Support: 1 ink on mylar.

Comment: The drawing seems to be a recycling of existing buildings.

12.42 Northwest Dormitory Complex

39 Drawings: 1 site plan, 10 plans, 3 sections; 25 combination drawings: 2 site plan / plan, 15 plan / section, 1 plan / perspective, 3 section / elevation, 2 plan / section / elevation, 2 plan / section / perspective.

Drawing Support: 1 pencil on tracing paper, 14 pencil on vellum, 21 ink on mylar, 3 multi-media.

12.43 Married Community (Housing, Schools, Commercial Centre)

9 Drawings: 1 site plan, 4 plans; 4 combination drawings: 2 plan / section ,1 plan / perspective, 1 plan / section / perspective.

Drawing Support: 8 ink on vellum, 1 ink on mylar.

12.44 Non-Specific Preliminary Drawings

9 Drawings: 9 plans.

Drawing Support: 9 pencil on vellum.

12.5 Athletics

4 Drawings: 1 exterior perspective; 3 combination drawings: 1 site plan / plan, 1 plan / perspective, 1 plan / section.

Drawing Support: 2 ink on vellum, 2 ink on mylar.

Comment: The drawings treat the stadium.

12.6 Operations and Maintenance

12.61 Maintenance

23 Drawings: 5 site plans, 7 plans, 3 elevations; 8 combination drawings: 1 site plan / plan, 1 site plan / elevation, 4 section / elevation, 2 plan / section / elevation.

Drawing Support: 10 pencil on vellum, 10 ink on vellum, 3 ink on mylar.

12.62 Greenhouse and Lathhouse

11 Drawings: 4 plans; 7 combination drawings: 4 section / elevation, 2 plan / section / elevation, 1 site plan / plan / section / elevation.

Drawing Support: 2 pencil on vellum, 9 ink on mylar.

12.63 Printing House

19 Drawings: 2 site plans, 11 plans, 1 elevation; 5 combination drawings: 1 site plan / plan, 4 section / elevation.

Drawing Support: 1 pencil on tracing paper, 6 pencil on vellum, 6 ink on vellum, 6 ink on mylar.

12.64 Automotive

20 Drawings: 1 site plan, 6 plans, 1 elevation; 12 combination drawings: 2 plan / elevation, 3 section / elevation, 4 plan / section / elevation, 3 site plan / plan / section / elevation.

Drawing Support: 12 pencil on vellum, 3 ink on vellum, 4 ink on mylar, 1 blackline.

12.65 Water System

7 Drawings: 7 combination drawings: 1 site plan / plan, 1 plan / elevation, 1 plan / section / elevation, 4 site plan / plan / section / elevation.

Drawing Support: 3 pencil on vellum, 2 ink on vellum, 1 ink on mylar, 1 blackline.

Comment: The drawings treat the water tower, the underground reservoir and the pumping station.


12.66 Sewage System

4 Drawings: 1 plan, 1 elevation; 2 combination drawings: 1 plan / section / elevation, 1 site plan / plan / section / elevation.

Drawing Support: 3 pencil on vellum, 1 ink on vellum.

12.7 Security and Circulation

12.71 Service and Vehicular Routes

6 Drawings: 2 site plans; 4 combination drawings: 1 plan / elevation, 1 plan / section / elevation, 2 site plan / plan / section / elevation.

Drawing Support: 2 pencil on vellum, 1 ink on vellum, 3 ink on mylar.

12.72 Fire Station

5 Drawings: 1 circulation diagram; 4 combination drawings: 2 plan / section / elevation, 2 site plan / plan / section / elevation.

Drawing Support: 2 pencil on vellum, 3 ink on mylar.

12.8 Unidentified Drawings

8 Drawings: 4 plans, 1 section, 1 elevation; 2 combination drawings: 1 plan / section, 1 plan / elevation.

Drawing Support: 1 pencil on tracing paper, 1 ink on tracing paper, 5 pencil on vellum, 1 ink and dry transfer on mylar.

12.9 Optinegatives

149 Drawings: 18 site plans, 2 key plans, 19 topographic plans, 50 plans, 1 section, 1 elevation, 15 exterior perspectives, 4 diagrams: academic facilities, public and married community accessibility, academic accessibility, typical faculty groupings, 27 technical diagrams; 12 combination drawings: 5 plan / section, 3 section / elevation, 1 plan / section / elevation, 2 site plan / plan / section / elevation, 1 site plan / key plan / plan / section / elevation.