The following images are taken from the minutes of the Purchasing Committee of the Blackader-Lauterman Library of Art and Architecture during the committee's first four years of operation. Ramsay Traquair served as chair and secretary of this important committee, which was in charge of generating and spending funds for the library and approved acquisitions through gift and purchase. The minutes document the growth of the library's collection in both the field of art and architecture. Traquair was particularly attentive to the development of the latter collection, and the committee, as the minutes note, was even willing on one occasion to lend the Architectural Department $100.00 for the purchase of text books.

Foundation Document (Source McGill Archives)
Ramsay Traquair's notes taken at the meeting of Purchasing Committee (Source: McGill Archives) 5 May 1917
Page 2
Reference is made to the Committee's decision to create a "Blackader Memorial Book Plate" (Source: McGill archives.)

Minutes of Purchasing Comittee January 9, 1919. Of note, is the reference to the list of donors to the library.(Source: McGill Archives)

On the occasion of this meeting, the Purchasing Comittee should lend $100 to the Architectural Department for the purchase of textbooks. (Source: McGill Archives)
Reference to the decision to allocate $150 to prepare a printed catalogue of the Library's holdings. (Source: McGill Archives)
Minutes of Purchasing Comittee November 26, 1920. The minutes highlight donations and recent purchases of the Library (Source: McGill Archives)
Minutes of the Purchasing Committee January 18, 1921
Page 2
Minutes of the Purchasing Commmittee on March 28 , 1922
Minutes of the Meeting
Minutes from the meeting of the Purchasing Committee May 8, 1923
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