primary works on art and architecture

primary works on other interests

secondary works on Percy Erskine Nobbs

secondary works on Nobbs + associates

published drawings

published photographs



Bland, John. "The Story Behind the Buildings of McGill - Part II." McGill News 40 (Winter 1958): 14-17.

"The Story Behind the Buildings of McGill - Part III." McGill News 40 (Spring 1959): 24-28.

"The British Designs at Geneva." Archt Build News 118 (December 9 1927): 881-84,

Fetherstonhaugh, H. L. "Recent Domestic Architecture in the Province of Quebec." JRAIC 5 (May 1928): 171-83.

Govier, Katherine. "The Best Built Buildings." New Trail: U of A Mag 27 (Winter 1972): 13, 21.

"The League of Nations Competition at Geneva." JRAIC 5 (May 1928): 187-90.

"Offices of Nobbs and Valentine, Architects, Montreal." JRAIC 25 (October 1948): 376-77.

Palmer, E.B. "Typical Schools of the Province of Quebec." JRAIC 4 (September 1927): 327-38.

"The Pulp and Paper Research Institute - Montreal. Messrs. Nobbs & Hyde, F.F.R.I.B.A., Architects." JRAIC 7 (January 1930): 6-10.

"Percy Erskine Nobbs and His Associates: a Guide to the Archive" (Montreal: Canadian Architecture Collection, 1986)

"The Re-modelled Birks Building, Winnipeg." Construction 9 (September 1916): 294-96.

"Residence at Dorval - Quebec." JRAIC 4 (February 1927): 69.

"Residence of C.R. Whitehead, Esq. Trois-Rivières, Quebec. Messrs. Nobbs & Hyde, Architects." Can Homes 4 (December 1927): 28-29.

Lines, Roland. "Building for the Future: Long-range development plans are nothing new at the University of Alberta"New Trail: U of A Mag 57 (Spring 2002). August 19, 2002.

Rothrock, Jeanette. "Bricks and Bulldozers...and Long Range Plans for the Campus." New Trail: U of A Mag 27 (Winter 1972): 6-12

"Royal Garage, Montreal. Nobbs & Hyde, Architects." Construction 20 (August 1927): 265.

Sinaiticus. "The Drummond Medical Building, Montreal." Construction 23 (September 1930): 303-6.

"Some Economies in School Construction in Montreal: Nobbs & Hyde, Architects Part I." Arch For 32 (May 1920): 209-12.

"Some Economies in School Construction in Montreal: Nobbs & Hyde, Architects -Part II." Arch For 32 (June 1920): 255-57.

"A Study in Community Housing Near Montreal." La Revue Municipale: Special To Planning Number (December 1927): 33-35.

"Three Montreal School Buildings; Nobbs & Hyde, Architects." Construction 6 (December 1913): 457-61

Traquair, Ramsay. The Buildings of McGill University. McGill University Publications, Series XIII (Art and Architecture), no.2. Montreal: [McGill University], 1925.

"The Buildings of McGill University." JRAIC 2 (March-April 1925): 45-56

Vaughan, Susan E. "The Royal Victoria College Extension." McGill News 13 (June 1931): 17-20.

Wagg, Susan. "Le club universitaire de Montreal." Continuite 30 (hiver 1986): 40-42.

"Percy Nobbs at McGill." Canadian Heritage (August 1980): 14-15.

"War Memorial Museum, Regina, Saskatchewan." Construction 12 (September 1919): 268-70.

"A War Memorial Museum for Regina, Saskatchewan. Nobbs and Hyde, Architects." Arch Rev 48 (October 1920): 102-3.