by Norbert Schoenauer

Nobbs: Student and Apprentice
Nobbs at McGill
The Practicing Architect
Domestic Architecture
Nobbs, A Versatile Man
Nobbs and Montreal's Architecture



by Norbert Schoenauer [1923-2001]


During the first four decades of this century, Professor Percy Erskine Nobbs was one of the most illustrious of McGill teachers and architects. In 1903, at the age of 28, he was appointed to the Macdonald Chair of Architecture and the directorship of the School of Architecture. Although upon his own request, after ten years, he was relieved of the directorship, he continued to teach design until his retirement in 1940.

Bom and educated in Scotland, Nobbs was a talented and prolific architect whose buildings still adorn the campus of McGill University. He also designed several commercial buildings in the city as well as many beautiful Arts and Crafts inspired residences in Montreal, Westmount and other suburban communities.

Endowed with many talents, Nobbs was a versatile man. In addition to being an outstanding teacher and architect, he was also an accomplished painter and sculptor, an Olympic medallist, an expert in heraldry, and a leader in Canada in the area of town planning and urban design. Above all, Nobbs was among the early pioneers who not only appreciated Quebec's building traditions, but taught his students to view its unique rural buildings and grey stone urban houses with reverence.

Pendant les quarante permières années de ce siècle, Percy Erskine Nobbs a été l'un des professeurs et architectes les plus illustres de McGill. En 1903, à l'âge de 28 ans, il est nommé titulaire de la chaire Macdonald d'architecture et directeur de l'École d'architecture. Et si au bout se dix ans, il demande à être relevé de ses fonctions de directeur, il ne continue pas moins d'enseigner l'architecture jusqu'à sa retraite en 1940.

Né en Ecosse où il a fait ses études, Nobbs est un architecte à la fois talentueux et prolifique dont les créations ornent encore aujourd'hui le campus de l'Université McGill. Il a également conçu plusieurs immeubles commerciaux ainsi que de nombreuses résidences Arts and Crafts à Montréal, Westmount et dans d'autres banlieus.

Nobbs est un homme aux multiples talents. Professeur et architecte hors de commun, il est également un peintre et un sculpteur consommé, un médaillé olympique, un héraldiste accompli et un véritable chef dé file dans le domaine de la planification et de l'urbanisme. Nobbs est surtout l'un des premier s à apprécier les traditions architecturales du Québec et à inculquer à ses étudiants le respect des bâtiments de ferme et des maisons en pierres grises des villes.


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